
Awakening Intensives

10 Spiritual Transmission and Awakening Sessions

10 One-on-One Sessions with Alina

These sessions consist of two fundamental elements: Live Meetings of Spiritual Transmission with Alina & your own radical accountability to engage with the clear instructions of Daily Sādhanā or spiritual practice.

Understanding Transmission:

We call these beings “awake” or “enlightened”, but these are just words and mostly just confuse us with a misunderstood sense of specialness. Think of it more simply and practically as a pipe being unclogged. In the presence of a being free of attachment to thoughts and a separate self identity, a great freedom, peace, love and bliss can be experienced. This is feeling the flow of God, which is always here, pouring unobstructed through your now unclogged pipe.

Transmission is you experiencing your True Original Nature. It has always been here. Thoughts have just clogged up the pipe preventing you from realizing it. And that’s where a spiritual plumber may be helpful. Not because he or she does anything. Their freedom alone is what does the unclogging. You know it when you feel it. It’s always been here your entire life waiting for you.

Understanding Discipline | Sādhanā

Sādhanā is an ego-transcending spiritual practice. It includes a variety of disciplines that are followed in order to achieve various spiritual objectives.

Sadhana is done for attaining detachment from worldly things, to liberate the fixation of the ego upon thoughts and transcend the illusion of separate self-identity which is a goal of any seeker.

Through the centuries old practice of raja yoga & jnana yoga within the Himalayan Yoga tradition your constant efforts can achieve maximum level of perfection in all streams of day-to-day life. The instructions to carry out a daily practice can result in the awakening on the level of the mind, and the abidance in a non dual natural state of Being, aka Enlightenment.

Self Actualization Intensive

per month for 3 months ($3,999.00 total)
16 One-on-One (90 Min) Sessions

From deficiency to self-actualization!

- 1 Discovery Session (Vision)
- 2 Nervous System Regulation Sessions (Balance)
- 10 Somatic Inquiry Sessions (Deprogramming)
- 3 Direct Pointing & Coaching Sessions (Being & Empowerment)

The Somatic Inquiry Practices & Non-Dual Pointing contain an important element of teaching people to abide in the peace and clarity of the present moment.

In addition nervous system regulation & facilitated processing have the ability to bring up to the surface unconscious stories, beliefs, traumas and repressed emotions that help clear the somatic memories, making it easier to live in presence and balance without re-traumatizing oneself in the process.

Rediscovering & truly experiencing your true nature with a de-conditioned body-mind, and the protective layers relaxed, the heart comes forth as the driving force through which life finally becomes effortless, playful and abundant. That is when you take your first steps in the direction of self expression & actualization!

This is a complete one-on-one individualized support crafted to your specific needs and inner readiness.

Somatic Inquiry Packages

10 Somatic Inquiry Sessions Package for Couples

10 One-on-One (80 min) Sessions with Alina

Beyond healing past traumas, somatic inquiry also augments intimacy and sexual connection among partners. By teaching partners to feel safe in their bodies and become aware of bodily sensations, each other and emotions somatic inquiry is instrumental in enhancing intimacy and sexual connection. The benefits of we space inquiry include:

- Improved physical and emotional intimacy between partners
- Increased trust and communication
- Heightened awareness of bodily sensations and pleasure
- Release of tension and stress in the body
- Enhanced ability to connect on a deeper level
- Knowing how to meet each other fully
- Stepping out of fear into a collaborative growth

5 Somatic Inquiry Sessions Package

5 One-on-One Sessions with Alina

The Kiloby Inquiries is an advance Mindfulness Method that leads you far beyond the limits that the mind perceives as reality, to a level of awareness where everything changes. These facilitations skillfully meet you where you are, expanding your view of the ‘problem.' A peeling away of a painful way of being in the world.

10 Somatic Inquiry Sessions Package

10 One-on-One Sessions with Alina

We are seeing life as a distorted reality; relating to ourselves and each other through emotional wounds, and their protective systems, which obscure our innate capacity to love unconditionally and care without dependency for anything in return. Through gentle and loving guidance, the liberation of limiting beliefs and childhood traumas will finally facilitate the experience of openness, intimacy, and true expansion in emotional intelligence, wellbeing and awareness.

20 Somatic Inquiry Sessions Package

per month for 3 months ($2,997.00 total)
20 One-on-One Sessions with Alina

Awakening & Embodiment support

Living under the illusion of a false identity, or the ego only brings repetitive suffering for ourselves and those around us. This immersive commitment is the journey of return, an invitation to see and experience what undivided Reality is. In other words, it is a return to your timeless nature, a shift in perception, and the first fundamental step to permanent transformation through self Inquiry and meditative absorption.

Are you ready to feel and live from Freedom?