
Yin & Pin Fertility (One Time payment)

Our YIN & PIN fertility is designed for you if:

You are trying to conceive naturally and want to try some acupuncture, reflexology or both!
You might have irregular cycles or painful symptomatic periods and are looking for some help to regulate this whilst trying to conceive.

YIN & PIN includes 10 sessions that you can mix and match between acupuncture & reflexology if you wish. The initial consultation is 90 minutes long and following 9 sessions are 60 minutes. Designed for weekly sessions to be taken over a maximum of 12 weeks.

Lay back, relax, you do the yin and we'll do the pin!

Yin & Pin Fertility (Payment Plan)

per month for 2 months (£850.00 total)
Our YIN & PIN fertility is designed for you if:

You are trying to conceive naturally and want to try some acupuncture, reflexology or both!
You might have irregular cycles or painful symptomatic periods and are looking for some help to regulate this whilst trying to conceive.

YIN & PIN includes 10 sessions that you can mix and match between acupuncture & reflexology if you wish. The initial consultation is 90 minutes long and following 9 sessions are 60 minutes. Designed for weekly sessions to be taken over a maximum of 12 weeks.

Lay back, relax, you do the yin and we'll do the pin!


NOURISH IVF Method is for you IF you are about to start IVF imminently (If you have a few months before you start our YIN & PIN Fertility is the one for you)

NOURISH IVF Method includes:

▫️Initial appointment of 90 minutes which includes either an acupuncture or reflexology treatment
▫️45 x 60 minute sessions of acupuncture, reflexology or you can mix and match both (to be taken at specific times around the treatment cycle which we will advise at initial consultation but normally: during the stimulation stage, post egg collection, post embryo transfer & during the 2 week wait)
▫️Our downloadable guide to an IVF cycle, full of helpful hints and tips.

We look forward to supporting you through your IVF cycle.

Online Fertility Consultation with follow up call

An Online Fertility Consultation with one 30 minute follow up call - ideal if you want to have some fertility tests such as Vaginal Microbiome testing or hormone testing.

Online Fertility Consultation with 3 x 30 minute follow up calls

An Online Fertility Consultation with 3 x 30 minute follow up calls - if you have suffered recurrent losses, unexplained infertility or unsuccessful IVF this is for you!