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A Reiki Deluxe Session Membership Plan

Reiki Deluxe One Healer 60 Minutes Subscription (Member Commitment)

per month
Reiki Deluxe is a combination of several splendid Energy modalities.

Holy Fire® Reiki treatment with crystals, combined with Basic DNA ThetaHealing, Chakra balancing, Etheric Cord cutting, spiritual activations, clearing attachments, Energetic timeline review, Akashic records discovery, & intuitive messages.

Choose your quantity of sessions per month.

Reiki Deluxe One Healer 90 Minutes Subscription (Member Commitment)

per month
Reiki Deluxe is a combination of several splendid Energy modalities.

Holy Fire® Reiki treatment with crystals, combined with Basic DNA ThetaHealing, Chakra balancing, Etheric Cord cutting, spiritual activations, clearing attachments, Energetic timeline review, Akashic records discovery, & intuitive messages.

Choose your quantity of sessions per month.

Reiki One Healer 30 Minutes Subscription (Member Commitment)

per month
In this 30 minute time frame, you will receive Reiki only.

Choose your quantity of sessions per month.

An Elite Dual Reiki Session Membership Plan

Elite Dual Reiki Two Healers 60 Minute Subscription (Member Commitment)

per month
Double the access of Reiki Energy, receive the exclusive services of the Reiki Deluxe treatments by two healers. Amplify Holy Fire® Reiki treatment with both healers simultaneously with crystals, combined with Basic DNA ThetaHealing, Chakra balancing, song bowl or Tingsha Cymbals (sound therapy), revitalize with our custom made Life Force Energy Waters & Chakra Spray aromatherapy, along with smudging (optional) The intentions are to aid the body, mind, emotions & spirit by intuitive details.

Choose your quantity of sessions per month.

Elite Dual Reiki Two Healers 90 Minute Subscription (Member Commitment)

per month
Double the access of Reiki Energy, receive the exclusive services of the Reiki Deluxe treatments by two healers. Amplify Holy Fire® Reiki treatment with both healers simultaneously with crystals, combined with Basic DNA ThetaHealing, Chakra balancing, song bowl or Tingsha Cymbals (sound therapy), revitalize with our custom made Life Force Energy Waters & Chakra Spray aromatherapy, along with smudging (optional) The intentions are to aid the body, mind, emotions & spirit by intuitive details.

Choose your quantity of sessions per month.

Gift Cards

Life Force Energy Gift Card $100

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $125

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $150

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $175

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $200

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $225

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $250

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $275

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $30

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $50

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Life Force Energy Gift Card $75

This gift card is only usable for sessions with Life Force Energy, LLC. You cannot use this card with our store.

Mentorship Collection

Mindfulness Mentorship with Helena

per month for 6 months ($15,000.00 total)
There is nothing quite like a one-on-one container with Jess or Helena.

A 60-minute healing energetic experience.

Allow yourself to be swept up in the magic of your creation. As part of these sessions, we work with thought forms, energy in motion, emotional memories throughout your timeline, as well as traumas and their associations with cause and effect. Rise above beliefs that have left you wondering about your purpose, and claim your personal power.

The meeting is remote and does not require your presence. You will have an opportunity to discuss the discoveries and findings of your session with Helena or I over an audio call.

Mindfulness Mentorship with Jessica

per month for 6 months ($15,000.00 total)
There is nothing quite like a one-on-one container with Jess or Helena.

A 60-minute healing energetic experience.

Allow yourself to be swept up in the magic of your creation. As part of these sessions, we work with thought forms, energy in motion, emotional memories throughout your timeline, as well as traumas and their associations with cause and effect. Rise above beliefs that have left you wondering about your purpose, and claim your personal power.

The meeting is remote and does not require your presence. You will have an opportunity to discuss the discoveries and findings of your session with Helena or I over an audio call.


Opulence Collection

per month for 6 months ($15,000.00 total)
Let's enter the realm of Opulence and forge ahead without glancing back.

But what is Opulence?

Opulence is marked by the ability to access the wellspring of affluence, to dwell in abundant wealth, and to optimize the well-being of the mind, body, life force energy, and soul. It invites boundless abundance and a continuous stream of prosperity through a connection to your soul and the Divine Universal Source. Luxuriate in opulence by divorcing the scarcity mindset and intentionally banishing thoughts of lack under the guidance of a mentor. Implement energetic and spiritual practices in both the physical and spiritual realms. Remember, what you think about, you attract as your magnet. Recognize that the Universal Consciousness distributes everything according to law. The way you spend your time, coupled with the pause of action and the momentum of thoughts and attitude, can often obstruct the flow of opulence.

How can you incorporate the law of opulence into your life?

Clearly define what you want to manifest and embody it with unwavering faith and action.

Cultivate a steadfast commitment to show up daily as the version of yourself who knows the worthiness of your desires.

Patience and persistence are key to visualizing your goals in action. Stay focused and resist distractions or deviations from your chosen path.

Engage in the practice of writing and repeating affirmations, as these are energetic thought forms that empower you and attract positive scenarios.

"Opulence is the law of the universe, an abundant supply for every need if nothing is put in the way of its coming." - Ralph Waldo Trine

OPULENCE COLLECTION: A minimum commitment of 6 months at $2,500 per month.

This collection is designed for those aspiring to success, abundance, wealth, and new opportunities for personal and professional growth. It's a highly personalized program crafted to meet individual needs. Helena & Jess serve as mentors for the collective, offering comfort, motivation, and insight. Initial discussions revolve around your goals, mindset, and desires.

Contact lifeforcenergy7@gmail.com or text (951) 294-0521 to arrange a complimentary Meet and Greet to determine if the Opulence Collection resonates for both parties.

The Law of Opulence is the mental law of success, attracting people, experiences, and things into your life.

Each month, the collection includes (2) 90-minute Elite Dual Reiki Sessions:

Elite Dual Reiki sessions integrate various energy modalities with two powerful Energetic Masters in each session. To achieve optimal wellness, structural, neurological, emotional, spiritual, and metaphysical issues are identified and treated.

This energy healing focuses on releasing blocks in your body, mind, and emotions, renewing and inspiring you for a happier, more prosperous future. The session combines Holy Fire® Reiki treatment, Basic DNA ThetaHealing®, Chakra balancing, Etheric Cord-cutting, Spiritual/Intuition energy activations, Emotional Body Mapping, clearing negative energy and emotional attachments, Energetic timeline review of past traumas causing present conditions, Akashic records discovery, & Intuitive messages.

As a result, you'll connect with supportive energy frequencies, empowering you to move forward toward health and happiness.

Additionally, there is (1) 90-minute Mentorship session through Zoom:

Spiritual Mentorship is tailored to your evolving understanding of physical & metaphysical abilities. Receive support, renewed peace, and caring attention. The Opulence Collection provides training in fine-tuning specific energetic modalities and techniques, ideal for students of enlightenment. Embrace devoted intentions as you integrate your authentic self into the physical and spiritual worlds. Remember, whatever you think about, you attract repeatedly. Have your mentor accompany you on the journey of evolving consciousness.

Initiate and enhance your intuitive insight through your Clair senses, navigating your intuitive skills for a personal dedicated journey. Connect with your intuition, your internal guidance system, and your divine self. Spirituality is a way of life, linking to the Universe and each other. Discover perspectives that no longer serve you, release limiting beliefs, and experience renewed faith in yourself and the future.

A Spiritual Mentor holds space as you ask questions, face challenges, release old ways, and evolve into a transformative self. The goal is to boost the acceptance of your essence and embrace a spirit of abundance for yourself and others. Achieve a more serene living, adopt a gratitude attitude, and promote healing for positive integration and interconnectedness.

This spiritual mentorship program is an intimate, customized intention for an opulent soul evolution based on your needs and desires. It aims to support you in deepening the connection to life force energy and practicing your purpose with confidence. Throughout life, the mentors, Jess S. & Helena G., have embarked on an energetic, metaphysical, and spiritual journey with family members, ancestral lineage, shamans, and teachers of metaphysical arts. Their common trait is supporting others in understanding, accepting, and practicing unique talents for self-empowerment. Evolve your spiritual truths, tap into your greatest powers, and affirm to yourself, “I have opulent greatness; my life is grounded, safe, stable, and secure. As I connect with the Creative Force of the Universe, my soul radiates beautiful and resonant vibrations. Success is mine NOW!”

With Love, Insight, & Healing,

Jess S. & Helena G.

Yoniverse Membership Commitment

90 Minute Womb Blessing Only

per month
Yoniverse Womb Blessing our intentions of favorable energy to restore, support, and protect your energy center within 90 min of self-care treatment. It is intended to be beneficial and brings well-being and may guide in a healing journey to a sacred space, "Yoni" the Sanskrit word also known as the vagina. The Yoni (vagina) is a sacred channel and the natural flow of life force energy. During the session, your Yoni Doula may reclaim and connect you to your open gateway to clear and heal energetic blocks physically, energetically, emotionally, and sexually.

Ascending Yoniverse Membership

per month
Membership Wellness Includes: Choose any of our Yoni eggs as a bundle on the 1st month of Membership.

1 Yoni Egg with stand and information (Jade not included). Value $138-$200

Contact for more information

In this package:

(1) 30-minute Yoniverse Womb Healing (through Zoom) Value $69

(1) Remote 30-minute 1 on 1 Yoniverse Talk (coaching support through zoom) Value $69

Discuss sensual topics, learn intimate techniques & relationship support.

Couples Yoniverse Talk

per month
Couples Yoniverse Talk Zoom coaching support

60 min. Monthly Membership
Create deep connection and build intimacy within the privacy of your space. Discuss sensual topics, learn intimate techniques & relationship support.

Transcending Yoniverse Membership

per month
Membership Wellness Includes: Choose any of our Yoni eggs as a bundle on the 1st month of Membership.

1 Yoni Egg with stand and information (Jade not included). Value $138-$200

Contact for more information

In this package:

(2) 30-minute Yoniverse Womb Healing (through Zoom) Value $69

(2) Remote 30-minute 1 on 1 Yoniverse Talk (coaching support through zoom) Value $69

Discuss sensual topics, learn intimate techniques & relationship support.