

The Cetana Float Membership

per month
- 1 float/month for up to 90min
- All subsequent floats are $40 each
- Unused floats will bank up
- Bring a Buddy and they float at $50 (up to 90 minutes)
- Have a buddy sign up for membership and receive a free float on your account
- All sessions are bookable online.
*when using membership to book online Please select a 90min session. Upon arrival information staff if you would like to Float less time.

- Exclusive access to MUSE headband prior to float
- 15% off all Cetana Services including Non- clinical LENS Neurofeedback sessions and packages

Terms and Conditions...
- 6-month initial term paid monthly
- 1 month email notice to cancel membership
- 2 months to use banked floats following cancelled membership (unused will be reinstated if a membership is renewed following cancellation).
- Pause your membership for up to 2 months/year with written notice.

Red Light Therapy Membership

per month
-60$/month Subsciption
-6 month minimal commitment
-Non Sharable
-10% off other services