
Anniversary gift certificate

Happy Anniversary

Show them how much you love them with the gift of a 60 minute massage!

Happy Anniversary

Show them how much you love them with the gift of a 30 minute massage!

General gift certificate

Because, I Love You!

Looking to gift an expectant Mother, a relative or BFF a massage? This is an hour massage of their choosing!

Happy Birthday gift certificate

Happy Birthday

Show them how much you love them with the gift of a 30 minute massage!

Happy Birthday!

Show them how much you love them with the gift of a 60 minute massage!

Loyalty Packages - STOP!!!!!! THESE ARE NOT GIFT CERTIFICATES! These are intended for clientele that come to me at least once a month. Plese call me before purchasing if you are confused.

Purchase (3) 45 minute massages, save $25

Purchase (3) 30 minute massages at once, and save $25.00

Purchase 3, save $15

Purchase (3) 30 minute massages at once, and save $15.00

Purchase 3, save $30

Purchase (3) 60 minute massages at once, and save $30.00

Thank you! gift certificate

Thank You!

Do you have that special someone that you'd like to thank? Give them the gift of a 30 minute massage.

Thank You!

Do you have that special someone that you'd like to thank? Give them the gift of a 60 minute massage!