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SparkPath Packages

10 Session Package

The 10 Session Package includes:
* Ten sessions that run 75-90 minutes at $180 per session (a cost savings of $200 compared to 10 individual sessions)
* Suggested journal prompts after each session
* Between call support via WhatsApp and/or email with brief responses in <24 hours

The sessions must be used within 16 weeks (4 months) - barring holidays. If possible, allow yourself time before the sessions to get settled and comfortable. Following the sessions, you may want time to be with the elements and process the experience.

5 Session Package

The 5 Session Package includes:
* Five sessions that run 75-90 minutes at $190 per session (a cost savings of $50 compared to 5 individual sessions)
* Suggested journal prompts after each session
* Between call support via WhatsApp and/or email with brief responses in <24 hours

The sessions must be used within 8 weeks (2 months) - barring holidays. If possible, allow yourself time before the sessions to get settled and comfortable. Following the sessions, you may want time to be with the elements and process the experience.