
6 Week Training Plan

- One Homevisit (1.5-2 hours)
- Two Further Training sessions on your walks and any other places you need to train
- 2 scheduled zoom/Phone consults between in person sessions.
- Whatsapp Support
- Notes & Videos to support learning

Canine Conditioning Personalised Program

This is a 10 week program and includes:

- An Initial Assessment (1.5 hours) including Dynamic Assessment, Static Assessment, Measurements, Range of Motion
- Four Training Sessions (1 hour) teaching all the conditioning exercises and program
- Exercises tailored to your dog to work on at least 3 times per week.
- Post Program Assessment (1.5 hours) and modification to program as needed
- 24/7 Support and video guidance as needed
- Option to join our Graduation group for new exercises every month

The program is non refundable and 48 hours notice must be given to reschedule classes. This program is best run on ZOOM so I see the exact equipment and space you are working in or you can travel to my astro area at home in Swords.