
Kids Monthly Packages

Kids 4 Classes Monthly Package

Save on any 4 kids classes to be redeemed within 30 days of purchase. Price includes a processing fee.

Kids 8 Classes Monthly Package

Save on any 8 kids classes to be redeemed within 30 days of purchase. Price includes a processing fee.

Kids Monthly Subscriptions

Kids 4 Classes Monthly Subscription

per month
Even more savings on your pack of 4 kids classes without the hassle of having to buy it over and over. Automatically renews every month. Price includes a processing fee.

Kids 8 Classes Monthly Subscription

per month
Save even more monthly on any 4 kids classes per child (8 classes total). Automatically renews each month. Price includes a processing fee.

Monthly Packages

4 Hour Point Rental Package

Point rental hours are solo open practice sessions which occur outside of our normal class times. You may use our equipment or bring in your own apparatus to practice on after a brief inspection of it. To book point rental time, please send us a message with your requested date and time(s). You must have previous aerial experience and you may only practice skills which have been taught to you by a qualified instructor. Absolutely no self-teaching via social media or peer to peer teaching will be allowed. Package expires after 30 days.

8 Hours Point Rental

Point rental hours are solo open practice sessions which occur outside of our normal class times. You may use our equipment or bring in your own apparatus to practice on after a brief inspection of it. To book point rental time, please send us a message with your requested date and time(s). You must have previous aerial experience and you may only practice skills which have been taught to you by a qualified instructor. Absolutely no self-teaching via social media or peer to peer teaching will be allowed. Package expires after 30 days.

4 Classes Monthly

Choose 4 of any skill level-appropriate class to redeem within 30 days of purchase & save almost 10% per class. Price includes a processing fee.

8 Classes Monthly

Choose any 8 skill level-appropriate classes to redeem within 30 days of purchase and save almost 25% per class. Price includes a processing fee.

12 Classes Monthly

Choose any 12 skill level-appropriate classes to redeem within 30 days of purchase and save almost 35% per class. Price includes a processing fee.

16 Classes Monthly

Choose any 16 skill level-appropriate classes to redeem within 30 days of purchase. Price includes a processing fee.

Unlimited Monthly Classes

Choose any amount of skill level-appropriate classes to redeem within 30 days of purchase. Price includes a processing fee.

4 Private Lessons 1 hr

Save $10 when you choose this package of 4! Your sessions will expire 60 days after date of purchase. Price includes a processing fee.

4 Private Lessons 1.5 hours

Save $10 when you choose this package of 4! Your sessions will expire 60 days after date of purchase. Price includes a processing fee.

Monthly Subscriptions

4 Class Monthly Subscription

per month
Even more savings on your pack of 4 without the hassle of having to buy it over and over. Automatically renews every month! Price includes a processing fee.

8 Class Monthly Subscription

per month
Even more savings on your pack of 8 without the hassle of having to buy it over and over. Automatically renews every month! Price includes a processing fee.

12 Class Monthly Subscription

per month
Even more savings on your pack of 12 without the hassle of having to buy it over and over. Automatically renews every month! Price includes a processing fee.

16 Classes Monthly Subscription

per month
Choose any 16 skill level-appropriate classes to redeem within 30 days of purchase. Automatically renews each month for less hassle. Price includes a processing fee.

Unlimited Monthly Class Subscription

per month
Choose an unlimited amount of skill level-appropriate classes to redeem within 30 days of purchase. Automatically renews for less hassle. Price includes a processing fee.

Open Practice Sessions

4 Open Practice Sessions Monthly

Choose any 4 Open Practice sessions to redeem within 30 days of purchase and save almost 10% per session. Price includes a processing fee.

8 Open Practice Sessions Monthly

Choose any 8 Open Practice sessions to redeem within 30 days of purchase and save 20% per class. Price includes a processing fee.

4 Open Practice Monthly Subscription

per month
Even more savings on your pack of 4 without the hassle of having to buy it over and over. Automatically renews every month! Price includes a processing fee.

8 Open Practice Monthly Subscription

per month
Even more savings on your pack of 8 without the hassle of having to buy it over and over. Automatically renews every month! Price includes a processing fee.