Celebrating ADHD


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Monthly Subscriptions

Accountability Coaching Monthly Subscription

per month
This subscription includes the following

Weekly 15 mins accountability coaching session with a professional ADHD coach to monitor your progress on your holistic plan.

Access to online video courses presented by ADHD coaches on topics including procrastination, reducing distractions, overcoming powerful emotions and organization.

Access to a professional ADHD coach via email 24/7 to ask questions regarding the content of the course and responses replied to within 24 hours.

Access to course templates and resources that can be printed to support visual and kinaesthetic learning.

Review forms on each module to check back on your learning on the module

Bespoke (Weekly) Coaching Monthly Subscription

per month
This subscription includes the following:

A total of 180 minutes coaching time per month including an initial 30 mins coaching session to design your bespoke holistic treatment plan if required.

- 4 x Weekly 45 mins one-to-one coaching sessions with a professional ADHD coach to tackle your bespoke symptoms on how ADHD is affecting your life.

Additional benefits are as follows:

Access to online video courses presented by ADHD coaches on topics including morning routines, get-in-focus routines, and home organization. (worth £150)

Access to a professional ADHD coach via email to ask questions regarding the content of the course and any tasks set in between sessions.

Access to course templates and resources that can be printed to support visual and kinaesthetic learning.

Review forms on each module to check back on your learning on the module.

Bespoke (Fortnightly) Coaching Monthly Subscription

per month
This subscription includes the following

A total of 90 minutes of coaching time per month plus an initial 30 mins coaching session with a professional ADHD coach to design your bespoke holistic treatment plan if required.

Fortnightly 45 mins one-to-one coaching sessions with a professional ADHD coach to tackle your bespoke symptoms on how ADHD is affecting your life.

Additional Benefits:

Access to online video courses presented by ADHD coaches on topics including morning routines, get-in-focus routines, and home organization. (Worth £150)

Access to a professional ADHD coach via email to ask questions regarding the content of the course and any tasks set in between sessions.

Access to course templates and resources that can be printed to support visual and kinaesthetic learning.

Review forms on each module to check back on your learning on the module.

Online Coaching Monthly Subscription

per month
This subscription includes

Access to all the online course modules
An initial one to One 15 minute coaching call with a professional ADHD coach
Option to do more coaching at a lower rate