Voice Up LLC


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SING BEND Gift Certificates

4 Private Voice Lessons With Clinic

This package includes a Fundamentals Of Voice Clinic (required for all new clients)
Please note who this Gift Cert is for in the Notes To Business section.
Contact singbend@gmail.com if you would like a printed certificate mailed to you.
For any questions or special requests please email Deena Kamm at address above or call 541-728-3798.

8 Private Voice Lessons With Deena Kamm

This package includes a Fundamentals Of Voice Clinic (required for all new clients)
Please note who this Gift Cert is for in the Notes To Business section.
Contact singbend@gmail.com if you would like a printed certificate mailed to you.
For any questions or special requests please email Deena Kamm at address above or call 541-728-3798.

Public ROCK Choir

Group singing with a live band in a casual and welcoming environment. No experience, talent, or auditions are required. This is for everyone and anyone who loves to sing LOUD but doesn't have anywhere to do it. PRC meets on the 1st Monday of every month. Buy a single entry or multiple entries. (PRC goes on break during the Summer and returns in the Fall)

Contact singbend@gmail.com if you would like a printed certificate mailed to you.
For any questions or special requests please email Deena Kamm at the address above or call 541-728-3798.

Fundamentals Of Voice Clinic with Deena Kamm

Please note who this Gift Cert is for in the Notes To Business section.
Contact singbend@gmail.com if you would like a printed certificate mailed to you.
For any questions or special requests please email Deena Kamm at address above or call 541-728-3798.

Private Voice Coaching With Deena Kamm

Wondering how many lessons to buy? We always recommend 4-5 sessions for new clients. Voice is a muscle and requires (re)training. 1 session is great, but 4-5 is when you will really start to see results.

Please note who this Gift Cert is for in the Notes To Business section.
Contact singbend@gmail.com if you would like a printed certificate mailed to you.
For any questions or special requests please email Deena Kamm at the address above or call 541-728-3798.