Purr-fecto Cat Lounge


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Membership (5 x CATX-PERIENCE - 30 minutes) $55 + Taxes

per month
For $55.00 a month you will receive:

5 x CATX-PERIENCE - 30 min

if you don't use all they can roll over to the next month. You can bring a plus one, once a month.

10% OFF on Merchandise
10% OFF on private events bookings

(this package is valued at over $75.00)

Membership (5 x CATX-PERIENCE - 70 minutes) $100 + Taxes

per month
For $100.00 a month you will receive:

5 x CATX-PERIENCE - 70 minutes

if you don't use all they can roll over to the next month. You can bring a plus one, once a month.

10% OFF on Merchandise
10% OFF on private events bookings

(this package is valued at over $100.00)