
Reiki Packages

General Healing Reiki Package

per week for 12 weeks ($1,200.00 total)
If you're looking for Reiki healing but you aren't quite sure where you need to begin, this is the perfect option for you. During these sessions, we will focus on leading reiki guide us on what you need healed. So lay down, take some deep breaths, and let the Reiki magic begin.

Get Your Shit Together Reiki Package

per week for 12 weeks ($1,200.00 total)
If you've been feeling stuck, blocked, or like you are a hot mess then you need to get your shit together. This Reiki package is going to help you get your butt in gear and make the moves you need to. We will be diving in deep, removing blocks, and cutting cords to ensure you get your shit together.

No Chakra Drama Reiki Package

per week for 12 weeks ($1,200.00 total)
When you chakras are out of alignment it starts to cause drama in every aspect of your life. You won't feel good. You'll have low energy. You'll start to doubt yourself. The list goes on and on. With this package, we will focus on keeping your chakras in alignment so you have the optimal energy flow.