• 6-course tasting menu of the best Bohinj cuisine

      2 hours 20 minutes

      Table booking for a 6-course tasting menu of best Bohinj cuisine at Sunrose 7. Select number of tables with quantity and add number of guests to your appointment below. Latest available time: 19:00. Rezervacija mize za 6-hodni degustac ...

    • Table for Gourmet dinner / Miza za večerjo

      1 hour 50 minutes

      Table booking for gourmet dinner with four courses of finest Bohinj cuisine.
      Rezervacija mize za gurmansko večerjo s štirimi hodi vrhunske kulinarike.

    • Lunch / Kosilo

      1 hour @ €28.00

      Table booking for 3-course lunch served in our restaurant.
      Rezervacija mize za 3-hodno kosilo v naši restavraciji ob reki.

    • Awarded Breakfast / Nagrajeni zajtrk

      1 hour @ €25.00

      Table reservation for delicious certified local breakfast.
      Rezervacija mize nagrajen certificiran zajtrk.