Ives Pool

How to sign-up for Group Lessons:

1. Select the Session you would like (e.g., Summer Session 2).

2. Find the level you would like to sign up for (e.g., Level 1B) and select "Book".

3. Scroll down past the calendar, which highlights the FIRST date of the Session (e.g., June 19th) and select your preferred time (e.g., 10:30am).

4. When you select your class time (e.g., 10:30am) you will be directed through the payment process.

Note: If there is no calendar and list of times, then all the classes in that level are full for that Session. If the class time you are looking for is not shown, then that class time is full.

Note: You are not signed up until payment is complete. You will receive a confirmation email once you have finished paying and are signed up.

Please see the Group Swim Lessons page under the Programs tab for a detailed schedule of session dates and class times.