立木畫廊台北 Lehmann Maupin Taipei

立木畫廊台北 Lehmann Maupin Taipei

回憶的載體 The Medium is Memory
麥克阿瑟 · 比尼恩 McArthur Binion / 施拉澤 · 赫什阿里 Shirazeh Houshiary / 李昢 Lee Bul / 安吉爾 · 奧特羅 Angel Otero / 海倫·帕什加 Helen Pashgian / 徐道獲 Do Ho Suh

開放時間 Opening Hours: Tue - Sat, 11:00-19:00
地址 Address:
Kimpton Hotel Da An, First Floor (No. 25, Alley 27, Section 4, Ren Ai Road Da’an District, Taipei)
台北金普頓大安酒店一樓 (台北市大安區仁愛路四段27巷25號)

感謝您蒞臨立木畫廊台北!畫廊參觀需提前預約。畫廊目前開放時間為周二至周六上午11點至晚上7點,每位預約來賓可同時間攜帶多三位來賓參展,請至少提前一日預約參觀,感謝您的配合。如沒有預約紀錄,為配合防疫政策,畫廊人員將進行人數控管,參觀者將會被要求在外面等候,或按照預定時間返回畫廊觀展。敬請配合並尊重畫廊前台工作人員的要求,並遵守政府的防疫措施。如有任何問題,歡迎來信至 taipei@lehmannmaupin.com。

Thank you for visiting Lehmann Maupin Taipei! Advanced booking is required. The gallery will initially open by appointment only from Tuesday to Saturday from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. You may visit with three additional guests under the same time slot. Please make your reservation at least one day in advance. Please note, if you are visiting without an appointment, you may be asked to wait outside, or return at a later time with a scheduled appointment. We kindly ask that you respect the requests of our front desk staff, in compliance with government safety regulations. Thank you. For more information, please contact taipei@lehmannmaupin.com.

當您預約時,您的電子郵件地址將被添加到畫廊的郵件列表中。 如果您不希望收到立木畫廊的電子郵件,您可以隨時退訂。

When you make an appointment, your email address will be added to the gallery’s mailing list. If you do not wish to receive emails from Lehmann Maupin, you may unsubscribe at any time.