30 minutes
Employee is applying for a Transport Canada Security Clearance (either as a NEW APPLICANT or a RENEWAL). DO NOT BOOK this appointment until your TSS application is complete and has been submitted to the Pass Control Office.
1 hour
New and Renewal applications with travel and/or residency outside of Canada and the United States for more than 90 days in the last 5 years.
30 minutes
NEW RAIC - LOST/STOLEN RAIC - EXTENSIONS - TRANSFERS - COMPANY CHANGE Transport Canada clearance has been approved and security courses have been completed. Employee only requires a RAIC (Restricted Area Identification Card) to be pri ...
- Consultation Appointment
20 minutes
You can book this appointment if you are new to the Airport environment, and are unsure about the services that you require or how to prepare for your Pass Control Office appointment. There are a lot of processes to follow and regulatio ...
- Temporary Pass Extension / Alteration
15 minutes
This appointment is available for the following situations: 1. Yellow pass extension for employees with temporary yellow passes whose clearance has not come in yet. A yellow pass can be extended for a total of one (1) year from the iss ...
15 minutes
Airside Vehicle Operator’s Permit printed
- Prox Card
15 minutes
Request for a prox card only