Graceful Yoga @ The Holistic Haven

For returning clients to book, please log into your account by clicking "Returning? Log in" above, to the right.

If you are a new client, please make sure to register for an account in the final steps of the booking process.

  • Choose a Day (for example, Monday) by clicking on it
  • Select a Session (for example, Mindful Monday Mornings @ The Holistic Haven) by clicking on it
  • Select the Date from the calendar
  • To proceed to book, click Continue
    • You can book a series of classes of the same kind in one go. If you would like to do this, instead of Continue, click Add on another class
    • Now select the additional Date from the calendar. Repeat until you have all the classes you wish to book.
    • To proceed to book, click Continue

Please start a new booking for each class type, for example, complete the process for 'Mindful Monday Morning' and then repeat the process to book for 'Restorative Fridays'.

  • 1) Mindful Mondays

  • 2) Graceful Yoga's Mini Retreats

  • 3) Retreats & Workshops