Please check the time zone of your appointment.

  • Sales

    • In-Person Instrument Consultation (Free)

      1 hour 30 minutes

      Please bring your current mouthpiece and instrument to a trial appointment. Please let us know which products you are interested in trying so we can best help you. However, we cannot hold anything without a deposit. If you are only inte ...

    • In-Person Mouthpiece Consultation (Free)

      30 minutes

      Please bring your current mouthpiece and instrument to try mouthpieces. Please let us know which products you are interested in trying so we can best help you. However, we cannot hold anything without a deposit. If you are only interest ...

    • Virtual Equipment Consultation (Free)

      30 minutes

      Please have your current mouthpiece and instrument with you. Please let us know which products you are interested in so we can best help you. However, we cannot hold anything without a deposit.

    • In-Person Rental Appointment

      30 minutes

      Please bring photo ID, your credit card, and a voided check.

    • Consignment Drop-Off (Free)

      15 minutes

      Bring an instrument to the store for consignment.