Welcome !

I'm glad to see that you're making your oral health a priority.

I believe that quality dental hygiene is about attention and care, without rushing the appointment. That’s why I’ve dedicated this private studio to providing the most thorough, gentle, and detailed cleanings possible - in an environment that feels nothing like a traditional dental office.

My goal is to help you achieve your best oral health while making your hygiene visits an experience you actually enjoy.

Ask questions. Stay motivated. I'm here to guide you.


Dr. Sarah Inniss, D.D.S.


  • Treatments are not limited to what is seen below. After an initial visit, all treatment options are discussed and planned, or referred accordingly.
  • Please note, your Oral health is not static and the condition of your teeth and gums can vary depending on the slightest changes in diet, hygiene, habits, stress, hormones, medical, etc. Each individual and each mouth is different therefore procedural time or methods used will vary, and such will the final cost. (examples of variables - amount of tarter build up, nicotine staining, bonded retainers, use of anaesthetic, desensitizing gels, medicated irrigation, etc)
  • Some patients with particular medical conditions will require antibiotic coverage prior to procedure.

    • SPANKING NEW: Heavy tarter build up/Stain removal (ADULT)

      Heavy stain removal ideal for smokers, tea drinkers or those with heavier tarter build up on the teeth. An ultrasonic instrument is used to remove tenacious stains and calculus, followed by meticulous debridement with manual instruments ...

    • BRUSH UP: Dental cleaning & polish (ADULT)

      For individuals who have a well-maintained home care routine and attend routinely. (please note Cleanings range between $160-$200 depending on the amount of tarter build up at presentation)

    • SQUEAKY CLEAN (CHILD 11 years and under)

      Hand instruments are used to manually remove heavier deposits of plaque or tarter, followed by a specialized powered rubber polisher. Finally, a fluoride treatment is used to help in prevention of cavities. Oral hygiene instructions are ...

    • THE WORKS (Mouth Exam, 2 x-rays, Dental cleaning & polish)

      If you haven't been to the dentist in a while, this is a good place to start. After an in-depth full mouth evaluation, you'll have an idea where you stand with your oral health, and what treatment may be recommended going forward. 2 ...

    • FULL CHECK UP (includes 2 x-rays)

      This is an in-depth assessment. It includes oral cancer screening, screening for periodontal disease which leads to tooth loss if not detected and managed, a detailed "charting" or graphical record of all existing fillings/restorations ...

    • Consultation

      This visit is dedicated to discussing a limited area of concern for the patient. The specific problem is assessed, possible treatment options and estimated costs so patients have a clearer understanding of how to move forward. We can di ...