
Thank you for scheduling an appointment with accounteam! Please select and enter your contact information if you would like to understand how we can help you with your Bookkeeping, tax or HR service needs and build a longterm partnership together. .

    • Bookkeeping service needs-review consultation (NO TAX) with Stephanie Boireau (phone) -FREE 15min

      15 minutes

    • Tax service needs-review consultation with Angela O'Quin, EA (phone)- FREE 15 min

      15 minutes

    • Tax service needs-review consultation with Bernard Valek, CPA (phone)- FREE 15min

      15 minutes

    • HR service needs-review consultation with Dusty Marvin (phone)- FREE 15 min

      15 minutes

    • TAX PLANNING Consultation with Bernard Valek, CPA $300/hr ( zoom or phone)

      1 hour @ $300.00