Multi-System Sound Profiles
- Loving Yourself (Recommended for First Time Visitors)
45 minutes @ $45.00
Loving Yourself was originally created to promote weight loss in the body, in developing the sound profile, we realized the components of weight loss, are in correcting yourself at a cellular level. The frequencies involved in cellular ...
- Ascension (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Ascension is for slightly raising all bodily frequencies while freeing mind stress, allowing proper energy movement throughout the brain. Theta waves are a form of electrical activity in the brain that occur within a specific frequency ...
1 hour @ $65.00
This profile is a very low Delta profile, with frequencies that may affect INMT and AADC which regulate the transmethylation of Tryptamine into DMT. DMT can produce intense and immersive altered states of consciousness, with the experie ...
- Awakening
40 minutes @ $45.00
This sound profile is intended to correct the sound related to synapse in the brain, through the use of impeded frequencies targeted at the brain.
- Chakra Journey
40 minutes @ $45.00
Chakra Journey starts with root Chakra frequencies, working on lower body core cells, and working up through the solar plexus, chest, throat, to the pineal gland, and allows for corrections of the sound in and around Sciatic and Vagus n ...
- Constellation (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Constellation is a theta brainwave entrainment that is intended to affect cells throughout the chest and
head involved in higher thinking, and reasoning. - Dreamseed (Vibro-Acoustic)
40 minutes @ $45.00
Dreamseed is intended to assist in releasing old harmful memories, and cellular memories that might
stagnate your ability to move from fight or flight mode, to healing mode. - Enlightenment
30 minutes @ $35.00
Enlightenment is intended to help you enter the theta brainwave state
more easily, and assist all cells that support higher thinking, and deeper health. - Enlighten Me
1 hour @ $65.00
Enlighten me is intended to help you enter the theta brainwave state more easily, and assist all cells that support higher thinking, and deeper health it is a longer session than Enlightenment, and has a more in-depth set of frequencies ...
- Female Femininity
35 minutes @ $40.00
Female Femininity is intended to assist the release of cellular, physical, and mental memory of sexually
based trauma. For some it helps lighten menstrual pain, and menopausal suffering. - Heaven and Earth (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Heaven and Earth is intended to help the body find all the healthy cellular frequencies that relate to
health, physically and spiritually utilizing Theta based frequencies. - Hypnotica (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Hypnotica is intended to use Theta brainwave state and positive golden ratio sound to bring right/left
hemispherical balance to allow freedom in the creative process. - Journey Through the Matrix
1 hour 15 minutes @ $80.00
Journey Through the Matrix is intended to assist one to find the seam dividing reality and illusion, while
bringing thought to center, and holds many healthy body frequencies. - Letting Go (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Letting Go theta helps release restrictive thought patterns using Theta sound frequencies.
- Nutri-energetics
1 hour @ $65.00
Nutri-energetics is was made to aid in nutrition and bodily energetics. It has much in common with other sound profiles such as "Loving Yourself".
- Om Mantra (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Om Matra is a Theta meditation assistance, without the eastern religious influence, using only the Om
sounds at specific frequencies that allow one deeper concentration for prayer, and enhanced thought for
school, or training. - Pure White (Theta)
1 hour 10 minutes @ $75.00
Pure White Theta is a dissonant noise to assist in drowning out non-assistive thought patterns.
- Relaxing Ocean Waves (Theta)
1 hour 10 minutes @ $75.00
Relaxing Ocean is intended to bring you to a restful state, as if you are relaxing at the beach, to allow you
to better enter a healing state. - Soothing Winds
1 hour 10 minutes @ $75.00
Soothing Winds is Theta to assist mental based cellular correction, as well as deep relaxed states.
- The Temple Gardens (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
The Temple Gardens Theta is intended to assist in reaching a state of bliss, winding down and bringing
peace. - Unconditional Divine Love (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Unconditional Divine Love is to help release any/all burdens we have allowed to hold space within
our being. - Untold Depths (Theta)
1 hour @ $65.00
Untold Depths Theta is my attempt to reach deeper into the mind to find our inner nature of Christ.
- Water of Life Journey
40 minutes @ $45.00
Water of Life Journey is intended to find the inner love nature, and allow it to heal.
Targeted Cymatic Frequencies
- Arthritis
35 minutes @ $40.00
This sound profile is intended to play the frequencies necessary to break up crystallization in the joints and alleviate inflammation.
- Asthma
35 minutes @ $40.00
This sound profile is intended to correct the issues within the lungs and musculature of the chest to alleviate asthma symptoms.
- Bones
50 minutes @ $55.00
This sound profile is intended to strengthen the bones, correct any issues with the marrow and circulation, as well as assisting in cartilage production & retention.
- Circulatory System
30 minutes @ $35.00
This sound profile is intended to assist with blood circulation and oxygen circulation through the circulatory system.
- Digestion
30 minutes @ $35.00
This sound profile is designed to aid and assist in correcting the digestive system, from saliva to large intestine.
- Fibro and Fatigue
30 minutes @ $35.00
This sound profile is intended to assist with the fibrous materials in the body and reduce or eliminate fatigue in those fibrous materials.
- Muscles
30 minutes @ $35.00
This sound profile is intended to reduce inflammation and increase the strength of the muscle fibers.
- Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments
40 minutes @ $45.00
- Respiratory
30 minutes @ $35.00
This sound profile is intended to assist in the respiratory system. From eliminating or reducing infectious buildup to reducing inflammation & correcting scar tissue.